Throw Proud has many goals. Primarily, we seek to serve as educators for the disc golf community, for topics related to LGBTQIA+ players. There is a lack of good, accurate, honest information about a lot of topics. We want to provide resources for people to learn the truth from – as much as we can–with the limited science that is being done currently on things like the ones this article is about. In addition to that, we also want to improve participation, visibility, and inclusion of our community in the sport we love. Most people have, for example, never met a transgender (“trans”) person, no less played a round of disc golf with them. We want to change that. We also want to advocate for the inclusion of the LGBTQIA+ players in disc golf, which is largely a cisgender, heterosexual community. The disc golf community is still one in which it’s somewhat revolutionary for athletes to come out as gay or lesbian, even though that sort of admission hardly raises an eyebrow in society as a whole. When it comes to transgender players, especially trans women, there is a lot of open hostility, and fear. Those feelings are born from a fear of the unknown, and a lot of harm has been done because of that. We want to help provide the information and discussions necessary to eliminate that fear – so we can all just get back to playing the game we love, without the stress and animosity that has built up over the last few years.